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Tue, 08/13/2013 - 07:05
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Pakistani Lawmaker Demands West To Accept Iran’s Peaceful N-right

Islamabad, Aug 13, IRNA – A Pakistani lawmaker on Monday demanded western states to accept Iran’s peaceful nuclear right without any further delay. Talking to IRNA, Member of National Assembly, Hamid-ul-Haq Khalil of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) asked West to lift unjustified sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic. “Iran is our brotherly Muslim country so all Islamic countries should support Iran over its peaceful nuclear right,” he viewed. The parliamentarian expressing his views termed Iran as the backbone of Islamic Ummah. He said that US and western states are against Iran’s nuclear advancements because they cannot tolerate a Muslim nuclear power. Hamid-ul-Haq Khalil expressing his views said that West has failed to produce a single evidence against the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program. “My party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and people of Pakistan always support Iran’s peaceful nuclear right which nobody can deny,” said the politician. Responding to a question he said that there is no justification of illegal and baseless sanctions on the Islamic Republic. “US has imposed sanctions on Iran just to show its supremacy on world politics,” he said. “We demand US and West to lift sanctions against Iran immediately”, said the lawmaker. He noted that sanctions cannot deter progress of Iran. He said that Iran cannot be pressurized by imposing sanctions. He was of the opinion that dialogue between West and Iran must continue to settle issues. He however said that any dialogue with Iran must be based on justice and unconditional. “Dialogue must not be a mere formality but it should be result orientated,” he said. “We are not against dialogue but West has to show sincerity in making the dialogue successful,” said the political leader. Hamid-ul-Haq Khalil said that US has to realize that peace cannot be restored to the region without a stable Iran./end