ID :
Mon, 11/19/2012 - 07:53
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Participants Of Meeting On Syria Agree To Continue Talks

Tehran, Nov 19, IRNA – The Syrian government and opposition forces who have gathered in Tehran to attend the meeting of the national dialogue on Syria reiterated on the necessity of continuation of talks and dialogue, and confront meddling of foreign countries in their affairs. On the sidelines of the meeting, Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi met with Syria's National Reconciliation Minister Ali Heydar and also other Syrian parties. Different Syrian political parties such as Social Democratic Party, Syrian Democratic Party, Secular Democratic Party, Independent Youth Society, Kurds National Party, National Salvation Front, and the Society for Victory of National Unity are attending the Tehran meeting. More than 200 international and political personalities attend the Syrian national dialogue meeting in Tehran to discuss the ways for effective resolution of resolving the Syrian crisis. Salehi opened the Syrian conference on Sunday morning by his opening speech. Addressing the opening ceremony of the conference, the Iranian foreign minister said that it goes without saying that holding this important meeting in the Islamic Republic of Iran is based in the spirit of dialogue, understanding and broad-based agreement about the future of Syria./end