ID :
Mon, 09/23/2013 - 10:48
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President Says He Will Convey Message Of Iranians To World

Tehran, Sept 23, IRNA – President Hassan Rohani said Monday morning that during his visit to New York he will convey the voice and message of the Iranian nation to the world. He made the remarks while speaking to reporters at the airport, prior to his departure for New York where he is to address the 68th meeting of the United Nations General Assembly. The President promised that in his address to the UNGA he would convey the message and the voice of the Iranian nation to the entire world. “One of the major objectives of this trip is to present a true image of the Iranian nation to the world,” said the President. Referring to Iranians as a peace-loving and civilized nation, President Rohani said “The Iranian people are after making progress without inflicting any damage on other nations.” He stressed that the Iranian nation chose a course of mediation and fight against extremism with its huge turnout in the June 14 presidential election./end