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Tue, 01/16/2018 - 13:19
Auther :


Ulaanbaatar/MONTSAME/ Visiting the Republic of Korea, Mongolia’s Prime Minister U.Khurelsukh paid a courtesy call on Moon Jae-in, President of the Republic of Korea, on January 15. At the meeting, President Moon Jae-in expressed an aspiration to upgrade comprehensive partnership relations of the two countries to strategic partnership. He said the country is for fostering bilateral relations in politics, economy, trade and economy and expanding human exchanges. President Moon highlighted the shared values of the two countries, such as democracy and market economy, and acknowledged that the two countries have similar positions for bringing peace to Northeast Asia. In return, Prime Minister U.Khurelsukh said he satisfied with commencing his first foreign visit from ‘third neighbor’ the Republic of Korea. He affirmed Mongolia’s relations with S.Korea taking an important place in its foreign policy. Moreover, U.Khurelsukh appreciated S.Korea’s constant supports to Mongolia from the time it transited into market economy and democracy. The PM expressed a hope that the visit would give an important impetus to enrich bilateral relations and cooperation and strengthen human exchanges. The PM thanked the S.Korean government for granting a soft loan worth USD500 million within the framework of Extended Fund Facility arrangement with the International Monetary Fund. He added that the soft loan is intended to be used for taking comprehensive actions on reducing Ulaanbaatar air and environment pollution. During the meeting, the sides also discussed about making efforts on mutual visa-free travels in the future and collaborating in big regional projects. S.Korean President talked about his initiative ‘New Northern Policy’, underlining much potential to collaborate closely with Mongolia that locates on the heart of Eurasia. The PM Khurelsukh invited S.Korea to participate in the international conference ‘The fifth Ulaanbaatar Dialogue on Northeast Asian Security’ to be organized in June this year. In the end of the meeting, the PM expressed his wish that the upcoming Winter Olympics would be a significant event of world peace and unity. M. Unurzul