ID :
Tue, 10/30/2012 - 08:19
Auther :

Rafsanjani: Arrogant Powers Are Pursuing Malicious Goals By Orchestrating Sanctions

Tehran, Oct 30, IRNA -- Chairman of the Expediency Council Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said on Monday that arrogant powers are pursuing malicious goals by orchestrating sanctions. He made the remarks in a meeting with a group of members of parliament. Rafsanjani bitterly criticized the western governments for escalating hostile measures against Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic of Iran. He said that the enemies have resorted to the sanctions which are tantamount to declaration of war. Rafsanjani said that the western governments got to understand that military action against Iran will be defeated thanks to determination of the great nation to defend their country vis-a-vis any foreign aggression so that the enemies opted for soft war by imposing sanctions. "They are only pursuing their own interests in other countries. Therefore, we should make logical decision and exercise vigilance to thwart their malicious agenda."/end