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Sat, 09/06/2014 - 13:42
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Resistance Documentaries Shortlisted

Tehran, Sept 6, IRNA - The 13th International Resistance Film Festival has released the list of documentaries selected for the event. ‘Five Broken Cameras’ by Emad Bernat from France, ‘Dealock’ a joint Iran-US project as well as ‘Don’t Look at the Back of the Tableau’ by Iranian Mohsen Berahmani are among the selected documentaries. They were among the entries submitted from 11 countries, including the United States, France, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, Lebanon, Palestine and Poland. The festival marks Iran’s Sacred Defense (the 1980-1988 Iraqi-imposed war), when Iranian soldiers fought against the executed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s forces and defended the Islamic Republic against enemy aggressions. It is scheduled for September 22-29./end