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Mon, 11/12/2018 - 14:39

Russian Embassy in US Suggests Crimean Resorts Popularity Soaring Amid Sanctions

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The Russian embassy in the United States said it expected the popularity of Crimean health resorts, recently targeted by the US sanctions, to increase, noting that Crimea welcomed tourists from the United States. "We expect that the popularity of these very resorts will grow. We are sure they will introduce special fares for US tourists. Crimea is waiting for guests from the United States to visit," the embassy wrote on Facebook late on Thursday. The embassy recalled that the US authorities had promised to impose sanctions on Crimea every two months, suggesting that the next round of restrictions could be levied by New Year's Eve. The Russian diplomats also noted they had long ago lost the ability to understand what the US side was seeking to achieve through such actions. On Thursday, Washington imposed restrictions on three individuals and nine entities over their investment and economic activity in Crimea and Ukraine's eastern Donbas region. The Russian embassy noted that there were several health resorts among the entities targeted by the sanctions. Washington has introduced multiple rounds of sanctions against Russian individuals and entities after Crimea rejoined Russia as a result of a referendum in 2014. Though the plebiscite results had not been recognized by the United States and other countries, Russia maintained the vote was carried out in accordance with international law. Read more: