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Sun, 11/20/2011 - 09:43
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Russian Expert: Iran, not an atomic danger for any country

Moscow, Nov 20, IRNA -- Head of Russian Political-Social Research Center Vladimir Josef called new report of IAEA on Iran 'repetitios' and said Iran is not an atomic danger for any country. In a meeting here on Saturday about Iran's problems, Josef said that the difference between current report with previous ones is that in this document some information has been classified as 'secret', while it was already known just for a few experts. He added that published information in the IAEA new report belongs to the years of 2003-2004 and continued that whatever is reported as suspicious information about Iran's recent new activities was known to Russian experts. The Russian military expert underlined that international bodies like International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) should have a balanced behavior with Iran and added that Iran has no atomic-missile danger for any country. In order to be a nuclear danger, Iran should have enough nuclear materials to build at least five nuclear warheads, while it does not have this much, even in the form of low-enriched uranium, he added. Regarding technical features of Iranian built missiles, the Israeli claim on danger of being attacked by Shahab Missiles is not acceptable, Josef said adding that such claims are just media stories and unrealistic. Concerning Iran's role in Caucasus region developments, the Russian expert said that Iran can help settle Karabakh conflict. Head of Russia Political-Social Research Center also denied rumors concerning Iran's interference in extremists groups' activities in the Russian Caucasus region and stressed that Shia Iran cannot be involved in radical Sunni groups activities in the region./end