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Wed, 08/29/2012 - 07:40
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S. Leader Remarks On Importance Of NAM

Tehran, Aug 29, IRNA --- Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has stressed the importance of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in inrernational politics in different occasions. Ayatollah Khamenei in a meeting with visiting Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (on 11/03/2008) elaborated on a strategic approach which the Islamic Republic of Iran has adopted in its ties with the Islamic countries and Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) members. Ayatollah Khamenei appreciated the status of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) to which Islamic Republic of Iran and Indonesia are parties, stating that the movement stands a symbol of independence in the world. Ayatollah Khamenei also expressed hope that NAM could reactivate its original objectives and policies. NAM For Breaking Nuclear Monopoly Ayatollah Khamenei (on 08/11/2006) told people in the northeastern province of Semnan, 'The Iranian nation has realized that availability of nuclear energy constitutes a chief index of development in the world.' Ayatollah Khamenei ruled out US allegations that a global opposition is there against the Iranian nuclear rights. He stated, 'Besides the world's nations, over 150 member countries of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) , the organization of the Islamic Conference ( OIC) and other conventions advocate a break in the monopoly of nuclear energy and laud the Iranian nation for their stout pursuit of their nuclear rights.' NAM Supports Iran's Nuclear Program Ayatollah Khamenei in a ceremony (on 04/06/2006) to mark the 17th demise anniversary of Imam Khomeini (May Allah be pleased with Him) declared Iran's principled stance towards current development. Ayatollah Khamenei said the allegations of an international consensus against Iran is a sheer lie of America and some other countries. He said 116 members of the Non-Aligned Movement support Iran's courageous move to possess nuclear technology and at the same time the Organization of Islamic Conference ( OIC), independent governments and even those countries which are under America's pressure support the move./end