ID :
Thu, 02/07/2013 - 09:45
Auther :

Safavi: Iran, Regional Superpower

Tehran, Feb 7, IRNA -- Senior Advisor to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution on military affairs, Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi said on Wednesday that the Islamic Republic of Iran is superpower of the region. Addressing a group of IRGC personnel, he said the Islamic Republic of Iran in terms of politics and military is regarded as the first power in the region and the role of pious Iranian nation to this end is of prime importance. Great Iranian nation gave some 500,000 martyrs and war disabled to safeguard the Islamic revolution under leadership of Late Imam Khomeini, he said. He said that unipolar world is shifting to multipolar system and it is predicted that by the year 2030 the East will be center of global power instead of US and Europe. He was citing to the US national document endorsed by US president in the year 2012, in which China has been introduced as the biggest threat to US economy and security while Iran has been named as a threat to the entire region. He said that they build up their navy fleet in the Persian Gulf, Oman Sea and Indian Ocean to maintain their domination over the Pacific Ocean, India and Atlantic to control the economy and energy of the world. ˈˈThe new global power is emerging in the Muslim World.ˈˈ Rahim Safavi cited Syria, Iraq and the Islamic Awakening movement as the current issues underway in the Muslim World. The Americans have been surprised in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Yemen and Bahrain and to the same reason they have authorized the Saudi kingdom to suppress popular uprising in Bahrain, he said. He said that they assume they should be present in western Asia and northern Africa to guarantee security of the Zionist regime and appoint Turkey as a strategic rival for Iran. On regional developments, he sadi that the Americans do not want Iran to turn into a superpower of the region and for the same reason they have masterminded the scenario in Syria to destabilize Syria by financial support of certain Arab states, US and proxy role of Turkey./end