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Mon, 02/04/2013 - 07:42
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Salehi Welcomes US Offer For Direct Talks

Berlin, Feb 4, IRNA -- Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi on Sunday cautiously welcomed the US offer for talks with his country but made clear they had to be ˈfair and with a real intentionˈ to settle all outstanding issues. Addressing the 49th Munich Security Conference, Salehi said,ˈYes we are ready for negotiations, but we have to make sure this time, and this is I think very fair of us, to make sure that the other side this time comes with authentic intentions, with a fair and real intention to resolve the issue.ˈ He was reacting to the latest offer for bilateral talks by US Vice President Joe Biden who said on Saturday at the Munich meeting that his country was ˈprepared to meet bilaterally with the Iranian leadership.ˈ Salehi reiterated if there was an ˈhonest intentionˈ for such talks by the US, Iran would seriously take into ˈserious consideration.ˈ Iranˈs top diplomat quoted Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei as saying negotiations between Tehran and Washington were only meaningful when based on ˈequal footingˈ and only when the US had stopped its ill intentions. He emphasized a dialogue had to include abandoning ˈthreatening rhetoric and a change in attitudeˈ by Washington towards Tehran. Salehi said his country was not after conflict but ˈengagement,ˈ saying patience was needed as trust was being restored on all sides. He noted Iran believes it is ˈwise to turn your enemies into friends,ˈ but added also that ˈwe attach a lot of importance to our own independence.ˈ ˈPolitical independence is our first priority. We value our independence very dearly,ˈ Salehi said. ˈWe are no longer in the ˈpolitical orbitˈ of the western powers and no country can look down on us any longer. We are an ˈimportant regional player,ˈ he added. Meanwhile, Salehi said the six world powers have proposed holding a new round of talks with Iran on its nuclear program in Kazakhstan on February 25. ˈI have good news - I heard yesterday (Saturday) that the P5+1 or EU3+3 will be meeting in Kazakhstan on February 25,ˈ he added./end