ID :
Wed, 05/30/2012 - 07:51
Auther :

Syrian Majlis Speaker: Iran, Honest With Arab World

Damascus, May 30, IRNA -- Syrian Parliament Speaker Mohamed Jihad al-Lahham said on Tuesday Iran is the only country which truly stood by Palestine, Arab world and the regional states. He made the remarks in a meeting with Iranian Ambassador to Damascus Mohammad Reza Ra'ouf Sheibani. Jihad al-Lahham said Iran has proved in the past and present that it shares common ground with the Arab world on related issues. He said that both Iran and Syria confront with enemies in a single front, and that the US interferes in the regional countries domestic affairs under the pretext of defending human rights and democracy, while indeed it is supporting terrorism and stirring up artificial crisis in countries such as Syria. Sheibani referred to power structure in Syria and said that Syria's resistance to foreign conspiracies over the past year indicated that popular base of Syrian government is the main element of authority and power./end