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Fri, 09/28/2018 - 13:47
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AIAC Completes International Sports Law Conference 2018

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 28 (Bernama) -- The Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC) organised its inaugural edition of the International Sports Law Conference 2018 (SLAC 2018) themed ‘Sports Disputes: Block and Tackle’, at Bangunan Sulaiman, Friday. SLAC 2018 featured innovators and visionaries in the world of sports law and touched upon the various nuances of sports law and resolution of sports disputes. AIAC, in a statement, said the conference provided a contemporary and futuristic outlook on the world of sports law. Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, in his keynote speech, said: “Sport has the ability to bring people together like almost nothing else, representing cultural, economic and political value, magnified in recent times by advances in communication technology and the growing professionalisation and commercialisation of the sports industry.” “Despite these changes, sport will always represent a medium in which important social and ethical values are discussed and debated, always with much broader implications than what can often be originally envisaged.” AIAC director Sundra Rajoo, meanwhile, said: “Sports has often been the catalyst that has established cohesion and solidarity across nation-state boundaries, bridging the gap between developing and developed countries, with such stark divisions and inequalities being wholly unapparent on a sports field. “Due to the all-encompassing nature of sports law, the evolution of this particular field of law has implications for the development of international, comparative, and national law, as well as in alternative dispute resolution.” The conference had five interactive and diverse sessions discussed by leading experts, engaging in topics ranging from Malaysia’s role as a sporting nation to the global harmonisation of doping rules and regulations as set forth in the World-Anti Doping Code (WADC). The conference also set the stage for the discussion of innovative topics such as eSports, as well as critical discussions on the rights of athletes and the promotion of inclusiveness and diversity in the world of sports. -- BERNAMA