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Wed, 10/21/2015 - 11:41
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Azerbaijan, Costa Rica discuss prospects for cooperation in ICT sphere

Baku, October 21, AZERTAC Azerbaijani Minister of Communications and High Technologies Ali Abbasov has met the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Religion of the Republic of Costa Rica Manuel Gonzalez Sanz to discuss prospects for cooperation in the field of ICT. Highlighting the opportunities of cooperation in communication and high technologies sphere, Ali Abbasov hailed mutual interest and potential for ensuring further development of relations between the two countries. Touching upon the reforms carried out in Information and communication technologies (ICT), communications and high-tech spheres, as well as the implemented projects, Ali Abbasov described the country as the initiator of the regional and global projects. Praising Azerbaijan's socio-economic development, Manuel Gonzalez Sanz said that ICT is one of the key priority issues of cooperation between the two countries. Manuel Gonzalez Sanz stressed the importance of further strengthening the efforts in developing relations, offering the implementation of joint projects in this front . The sides discussed the issues of further cooperation, as well as exchanged views over other issues of mutual interest.