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Mon, 03/28/2016 - 13:22
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Jordan initiates creation of industrial cluster in cooperation with Russia

MOSCOW, March 28. /TASS/. Jordan has initiated the creation of an industrial cluster to produce farm machinery in cooperation with Russia, which will get access to Jordan’s trade partners in case the project is implemented, according to the protocol of the third meeting of the intergovernmental commission of the two countries on developing cooperation in trade and economy as well as science and technology (obtained by TASS). The Jordanian side is offering the creation of a Russia-Jordan industrial area to focus on machinery and production of equipment, such as agricultural equipment, cars and more. The project will enable the Russian industry to take the privileges that are usually available in such areas," the protocol said. The issue is mainly about the access to markets, which is allowed in accordance with free trade agreements Jordan has signed with several trade partners. Read more