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Fri, 11/15/2013 - 13:18
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London Stock Exchange To Support Market In Indonesia

London, Nov 15 (Antara) - The London Stock Exchange is considering extending its support to the Indonesian stock market through a special program organized by the Financial Service Authority. These remarks were made by the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK) commissioner for capital market supervision, Nurhaida, who spoke to Antara in London, on Thursday night (Nov 14), during her visit to attend the London Stock Exchange (LSE) opening event. On the sidelines of the event, Nurhaida had met the LSE commissioner to discuss future cooperation between the OJK and LSE to develop Islamic bonds that had previously been offered in the United Kingdom and had received a positive response. Besides this, Nurhaida had also met the LSE`s department of fixed-income product, technology information and stock market supervision. "The OJK and Indonesian Ambassador to the UK Hamzah Thayeb have also been invited by CEO LSE Alexander Justham to a high tea meeting, and we had a chance to interact with the CEOs of LSE listing companies," she said. During the high tea meeting, Nurhaida and her team---Director Stock Market Development Friderica Widyasari Dewi, Head of Crisis Management Protocol and Stock Market Information Service I Made Bagus Tirthayatra, and Head of Investment Fund Supervision Mulyani Pujiwilastri---also introduced the OJK`s works and officials to the business society in London. Nurhaida also made an introductory speech at the Asia Capital Markets Conference, themed "Exploring London`s Role in Capital Raising for Asian Corporations and in the Benchmarking and Trading of Asian securities." "I spoke about the development of the Indonesian stock market, and with the OJK`s capacity, we will push it to be more competitive," she stated. The OJK at the moment, Nurhaida noted, is still supervising non-banking institutions and the stock market, but by 2014, it will handle full supervision of financial services in Indonesia, a role once handled by the Indonesian Central Bank, Bank Indonesia. During the visit to London, the OJK also met with the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in Canary Wharf, London, to share experiences. This was the first time the LSE had invited stakeholders from Asia to attend its opening market at 10 Paternoster Square, London. "It was a precious chance to meet other market supervision authorities and stakeholders to examine any opportunities for cooperation," added Nurhaida.