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Thu, 04/05/2012 - 14:00
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Anadolu Agency to announce its vision for the 100th year

ANKARA (AA) - April 5, 2012 - Anadolu Agency (AA) will announce its 100th year vision on April 9. AA will celebrate its 92nd foundation anniversary at Rixos Hotel on April 9. AA Executive Board Chairman & Director General Kemal Ozturk will announce many innovations in the agency including the new organizational structure, logo and corporal identity during the celebration which will also be participated by Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc. AA's representations across Turkey and foreign countries will also be able to join the celebration by live broadcast. Anadolu Agency set its main target under 100th year vision as being one of the five most influential news agencies of the world by 2020. In March, AA opened a regional office in Balkans based in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, which broadcast news stories in Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian. The agency also signed cooperation protocols with representatives of 20 media organizations in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Press organizations that signed the protocol with AA include Bosnia-Herzegovina State TV (BHT), Federal News Agency of Bosnia-Herzegovina (FENA), MINA News Agency, Al Jazeera Balkans, TV1, RTV, USK radio and television, Zenica radio and television, BPK TV, TK TV, Sa TV, Nezavisne Novine paper, Dnevni Avaz newspaper and Oslobocenye newspaper. Ozturk recently announced that AA would be opened up to the international community with services in 11 languages.