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Tue, 01/15/2013 - 09:23
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Indian Envoy: Richest Indian Citizens Of Iranian Origin

Bandar Abbas (Port), Hormozgan Prov, Jan 15, IRNA – India's Ambassador to Iran, D. P. Sir Yustava, said in a meeting with Hormozgan Governor General Hassan Azizi here Monday richest families in history of India are those citizens who have emigrated from Iran. According to IRNA, in the Monday night meeting Ambassador Sir Yustava referred to Tata family as one of the richest Indian families of Iranian origin today, as an example. Referring to the numerous commonalities of Iran and India particularly the past official language of his country, Persian, he reiterated, 'The first head of India's Congress Party in 19th Century, the first head of the Indian Nuclear Energy Organization, and even the first Indian marshal were all Indians of Iranian origin.' Sir Yustava noted that India attaches great importance to its trade ties with Iran, reiterating, 'New Delhi is interested in expansion of comprehensive ties with Tehran.' Hormozgan governor general, too, elaborating on the evolutions in the relations of the two courtiers in the past and the current interactions between the two countries' officials, announcing Iran's readiness for implementing the entire achieved agreements. He said, 'We are ready for taking important steps in the field of bilateral cooperation.' Azizi emphasized, 'Regarding the shared relations it would be sufficient to keep in mind the shared interests and to refrain from pursuing some of the policies of the oppressor powers, as they can put at stake the national interests of third countries.' He added, 'Our efforts are aimed at deepening the executive and operational relations to ensure mutual interests and as the past experience shows, the Indian private sector has announced its readiness for constructing clean energy and fossil energy reactors in Iran, which can serve as a prelude for practical and greater presence of the private sector of the friend and brother country, India, in Iran.' The India ambassador began a three-day tour of Iran's southern Hormozgan province on Sunday and is scheduled to visit the industrial units, ports, the Persian Gulf Special Zone, and the Qeshm Free Zone during this visit./end