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Sun, 05/18/2014 - 13:47
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President: Development Requires Benefitting From Elites

Tehran, May 18, IRNA – President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday that development of each country requires benefitting from scholars, scientists and artists. ˈAny country that is moving towards progress and development has taken proper advantage of its scientists and artists and meanwhile attached great significance to technology, expertise and knowledge,ˈ said the President in an address to a ceremony to commemorate national elites and artists. During the ceremony, President Rouhani awarded 19 elite professors and nine artists with the Alame Tabatabai and Shahid Avini plaques of honor. Stressing the significance of paying due attention to innovation and exploitation by domestic scholars, scientists and elites, President Rouhani regretted that some inside the country have failed to deal properly with elites, those who are living abroad, in particular. ˈUnfortunately, the country is, today, in a situation that we fail to attract or use our elites properly,ˈ the President complained. He added, in developed countries, elites are usually attracted regardless of their nationality, geographical region or country. ˈAn elite is identified by its talent not by its land or nationality.ˈ ˈProduction of national authority and wealth are two faces of same coin,ˈ said the President, stressing that each country which attracts more elites, will make greater progresses./end