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Tue, 12/04/2012 - 12:30
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President Presents Awards To 15 Teachers

Jakarta, Dec 4 (ANTARA) - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is scheduled to present "Satyalencana" awards to 15 teachers on the occasion of National Teacher`s Day 2012. "The assessment is based on the performance and dedication of the teacher or educator," the Education and Culture Ministry said in a press release on Tuesday. The teachers who will receive Satyalencana awards are Iis Sumyati from TK Darul Hikam Bandung; Zahra from TK Raudah Pasuruan; Thersia Sri Rahayu from SD Pulutan 2 Salatiga; Supriono from SDN Kareang Mamuju; Nuraidah from SDN Pulau Tidung; Kepulauan Seribu and Lilik Fathku Diniyah from Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al Iman Magelang; Fauziah from MIN Sei Agul Medan; Irene Puspita from SLBN Subang; Marjohan from SMAN 3 Batusangkar; Slamet Widodo from SMAN 1 Wonogiri; Ponimin from SMAN 1 Klaten; and Ejon Sujana from SMKN 1 Cimahi. The awards will also be presented to other education officials, such as SMAN 1 Bantul headmaster Isdarmoko, SMKN 6 Semarang headmaster Ahmad Ishom, and Pati Education Service supervisor Riadi Nugroho. The winners of "Teacher - National Scientific Forum 2012" and "Teacher - Creativity Competition 2012" will also receive the awards. Three candidates have been nominated as outstanding teachers: Imam Bukhori from MTsN 12 Jakarta, Thoha from MAN 3 Yogyakarta, and Yuni Retnowati from RA Yogya Citra Bantul. On the occasion of National Teacher�s Day, the President will focus on the importance of teachers� professionalism and competency. "The professionalism, competence and performance of teachers must improve," President Yudhoyono was quoted by the Education and Culture Ministry as saying. Based on Education and Culture Ministry data, Indonesia has 3,687,676 teachers, including the 762,000 in madrasas (Islamic boarding schools). The government has set up the National Teacher Honorary Board and the National and Regional Legal Aid Institution (LBH) to protect the interests of teachers in the country. The head of state will be accompanied by First Lady Ani Yudhoyono, as well as some ministers from the United Indonesia Cabinet part II, while attending the National Teachers� Day celebrations and the Indonesian Teachers Union (PGRI) at Sentul International Convention Centre, Bogor, West Java.