ID :
Fri, 09/27/2013 - 13:09
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RI Infrastructure Could Leap Ahead: Foreign Expert

Jakarta, Sept 27 (Antara) - Indonesia`s infrastructure could benefit from new research into next-generation construction materials, according to a top Australian engineer. Jakarta`s bridges, flyovers, and high-rise buildings could be built using new concrete materials that are both stronger and more environmentally friendly, Professor Stephen Foster was quoted by the Australian Embassy here on its website as saying. Professor Stephen Foster, the Head of School, Civil and Environmental Engineering at The University of New South Wales, outlined the practical uses of the new generation of materials in structures: Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) and Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC). SFRC is shotcrete (spray concrete) with steel fibres added. In Australia, work is underway on standards development of SFRC for structural applications. Meanwhile, UHPC can provide environmentally sustainable alternatives to the use of conventional concrete in construction with strengths exceeding 150 MPa (Megapascal) and fracture energies of more than 2,000 times that of conventional concrete. "UHPC has been used in concrete bridges recently constructed in Malaysia and I believe this can and should be used in Indonesia too," said Professor Foster who has considerable experience with SFRC and UHPC research. The seminar was delivered at the Australian Embassy Jakarta on 25 September 2013 and was opened by Symeon Collette, Counsellor (Education and Science). He welcomed the increasing tempo of scientific collaboration with Indonesia. "Indonesia�s infrastructure demands are rising as the economy continues to grow," said Australia`s Ambassador to Indonesia, Greg Moriarty. "We hope Australian engineering expertise and research can be used practically to benefit infrastructure planning and development."