ID :
Tue, 01/24/2017 - 09:41
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Russian, Israeli rescuers agree on cooperation for next two years

TEL AVIV, January 23. /TASS/. Russia’s Ministry for Emergency Situations and Israeli rescuers have agreed on cooperation for the next two years, Russian emergencies minister Vladimir Puchkov said here on Monday. "We have had a number of very important meetings today. This has enabled us to jointly work out cooperation plans for the rescue services of Russia and Israel for 2017-2018," said the minister on a working trip to Tel Aviv. Focusing on concrete events, he mentioned future "cooperation in the sphere of monitoring and forecasting emergency situations, fires and calamities". The Russian minister arrived in Israel for a working visit earlier on Monday, and has already visited the Israel Fire and Rescue Services’ control center, analogous to the Russian emergencies ministry’s national crisis management center. Read more