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Wed, 10/11/2017 - 12:53
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Security measures fully prepared for Royal Cremation of late Thai King

BANGKOK, October 11 (TNA) - The government is now 100 per cent ready for handling the Royal Cremation of late His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, set to be held on October 26, 2017, as official security measures have already been in good place. Deputy Prime Minister General Prawit Wongsuwan, who oversees national security, told journalists of the update on Wednesday, saying that an ad-hoc command center for the upcoming Royal Cremation ceremony of the late and beloved Thai monarch has also disseminated necessary information for people wanting to attend the Royal Cremation at Sanam Luang ceremonial ground in Bangkok near the Grand Palace. General Prawit, who is also Thai Defence Minister, noted that the information provided for the public include traffic signs, maps and announcements on open travelling routes to the ceremonial ground and those which will be closed during the Royal Cremation ceremony. Besides, people are informed on areas where they can gather while attending the Royal Cremation ceremony of the late and revered Thai monarch. The Thai deputy premier insisted on no intelligence reports on any irregularity during the Royal Cremation period at the moment. "I'm not concerned over any untoward incident during the Royal Cremation period this month, as updated intelligence reports have suggested no irregular movements lately", the Thai deputy premier confirmed. The Thai government has, meanwhile, built modeled Royal Crematoriums in several other places in Bangkok and provincial areas to ease crowds of people from all walks of life turning out nationwide to simultaneously attend the Royal Cremation ceremony of the late and beloved Thai King, who passed away on October 13, 2016 at the age of 89. (TNA)