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Thu, 04/11/2019 - 09:08
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US act against IRGC most unfortunate: Pak politician

Islamabad, April 11, IRNA - Senior Pakistani politician says American decision to declare the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization is most unfortunate and will have far reaching serious implications. In an interview with the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), Secretary General of Pakistan Peoples Party, Farhatullah Babar said it will ratchet up the confrontation in the region. 'I personally think it is most unfortunate and not acceptable at a time when the United States has already unilaterally withdrawn from nuclear agreement,' he said. US President Donald Trump on Monday officially designated Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) a terrorist group. THe IRGC is a major part of Iran's official Armed Forces, and the move sparked fierce reactions by Iranian officials. Farhatullah Babar went on to say that it is for the first time that an official organ of a state, in this case Iran, has been declared terrorist organization. 'Until now the non-state actors used to be declared as terror organizations.' 'For the first time President Trump has done this to a state organization of Iran,” he said. Former Senator added the US move against the IRGC would be seen as yet another deliberate effort and I think all democracies and peace-loving countries in the world must condemn it and they must ask the American government to review this decision. Former spokesperson of President Asif Ali Zardari viewed it will not help the cause of peace; it will only promote tension in the region. “Instead of throwing light on the issues, it will generate heat and that is what we cannot afford,” added the politician. Expressing his views, former senator said for Pakistan particularly it will have very far-reaching implications because Iran is our neighbor and we want to have strong brotherly relations and I think tensions will have an adverse impact on Pakistan. 'This is a negative move which must be revised,' he stated. Farhatullah Babar said when Iran in retaliation puts United States Central Command (CENTCOM) on the list of terrorist organizations many people know that why Iran has done this. “Iran has been victimized and Iran had to retaliate,” he added. Follow us on Twitter @IrnaEnglish