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Wed, 04/10/2019 - 19:01
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US to regret decision on IRGC: Statement

Tehran, April 10, IRNA - The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps warned on Wednesday it would make the US regret its decision to designate the IRGC as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. 'We assure the honorable Iranian nation and friends of the Revolution and the Islamic establishment that, with divine help and under the instructions of the Supreme Leader and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, we will not spare any effort in taking a firm retaliatory approach against the enemy,” reads a statement by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps published on Wednesday. “Should need be, we will give the enemies unforgettable, regrettable lessons,” it adds. In an unprecedented move, the US designated the IRGC as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) on Monday. The Guards Corps are part the country’s official armed forces. “The USA regime’s unlawful, uncommon and unprecedented move to put the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps on the list of terrorist organization indicated the depth of their hatred and wrath toward this revolutionary and popular entity,” reads the document. On Tuesday, nearly all Iranian lawmakers wore IRGC olive green uniforms in a bid to show their solidarity with the forces. The Guards Corps praised the solidarity moves as a “common chapter in support of the Revolution Guards”. The White House's designation also drew large support from all sectors of the Iranian political scene behind the armed force. “We believe that such meaningful support shows that such an invalid move by the adventurous US government, makes the IRGC more responsible in protecting the Islamic Revolution achievements and providing the national security,” the document says. “This uncommon move has made the guards firmer in accelerating works to strengthen defensive and offensive systems as well as [cementing] its growing regional authority,” the IRGC warned.