ID :
Sun, 03/10/2013 - 11:18
Auther :

Ahmadinejad Lauds Firm Personality Of Late Venezuelan President

Tehran, March 10, IRNA – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Saturday said that late Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez loved Iran. ˈI was duty-bound to take part in Chavezˈs funeral procession as a sign of sympathy with the Venezuelan people and voice the message of the Iranian nation,ˈ said President Ahmadinejad in an interview with reporters upon return from Venezuela. He said during meetings with Iranian officials, Chavez used to emphasize his love for Iran. He noted that the name and memory of Chavez would remain in history for ever. Perseverance, courage, love for people, chastity, belief in single God and hostility to the arrogant powers made Chavez a firm personality supporting revolutionary movements, said the President. He noted ˈIran-Venezuela ties have roots in history and I had the duty to announce the Iranian nationˈs message of solidarity to the Venezuelan nation.ˈ/end