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Thu, 04/27/2017 - 23:09
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Azerbaijan`s Foreign Ministry: International conference in the occupied territories is yet another provocation of Armenia

Baku, April 27, AZERTAC Azerbaijan`s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has denounced Armenia`s plans to organize an international conference in Yerevan and the occupied territories of Azerbaijan as yet another provocation. Spokesman of the ministry Hikmat Hajiyev said Armenia plans to hold the 8th international conference "Modern aspects of rehabilitation in medicine" in Yerevan and the occupied Azerbaijani territory on September 13-15, 2017. "Specialists from Russia, Czech Republic, Tajikistan, Germany, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Georgia are invited to the conference. By setting this event in the occupied Azerbaijani territory, Armenia does not intend to discuss modern aspects of medical rehabilitation. The true essence of Armenia`s purpose is a pure political provocation. Yerevan is trying to encourage the notorious regime and make the invited persons a tool for its political propaganda," Hajiyev said. "This is yet another provocation of Armenia." He urged all those invited to refrain from making an illegal visit to Azerbaijan`s occupied territory, saying that otherwise, they will violate territorial integrity, sovereignty and laws of Azerbaijan. "We also urge the countries whose citizens were invited to the conference to take concrete action to prevent them from illegally attending this event," Hajiyev added.