ID :
Wed, 06/27/2012 - 08:03
Auther :

Four Die In US Drone Strike In NW Pakistan

Islamabad, June 27, IRNA – A U.S. spy aircraft fired missiles on a house in Pakistan’s north Waziristan tribal region Tuesday night and killed at least four people, security officials in the region said. They said that the drone aircraft fired two missiles on a house in remote Shawal area near the Afghan border. Shawal is located some 200 kilometers from Miranshah, center of North Waziristan. They said four people were killed and two others were injured in the strike. There was no information about the identity of those killed in the attack. The U.S. has continued drone strikes in Pakistan’s tribal regions despite Islamabad condemnation of such strikes. Pakistan terns drone strikes as counterproductive in the war on terror as it provokes people sentiments against the U.S. The U.S. officials claim that the CIA-run drone strikes are effective to target al-Qaeda and Taliban militants hiding in Pakistan’s Waziristan tribal region. Human rights activists also oppose drone strikes as they say the strikes cause civilian casualties./end