ID :
Sat, 05/26/2012 - 08:49
Auther :

IAEA Report On Iran's Nuclear Activities, Positive: Soltanieh

Vienna, May 26, IRNA – Iran’s Ambassador to International Atomic Energy Agency, Ali Asghar Soltanieh called IAEA cheif's latest report on Iran’s nuclear program a positive one which proved peaceful identity of Tehran’s nuclear activities. Soltanieh made the remarks, here on Friday, in a reaction to Western propaganda machine reports against Iran’s peaceful nuclear program. “IAEA report showed Tehran’s progress in nuclear technology including the enrichment issue, as well as its complete cooperation with the agency; the 11 page report which involves the complete reports of inspection of 16 nuclear centers and 10 secondary sites proves the peaceful identity of Iran nuclear activities,” Soltanieh said. “Amano’s recent visit to Tehran was an important part of Iranian officials’ efforts to acquire the trust of IAEA and answer the inspector’s questions,” he said. “Iran has produced 6,197 kilograms of 5 percent degree uranium and 145.6 kilograms of 20 percent degree uranium under the IAEA supervision,” Soltanieh noted. The IAEA board of Governors will discuss the IAEA chief's new report on Iran’s nuclear program on June 4./end