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Sun, 06/09/2013 - 11:19
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Iranˈs Khosravi Border Terminal Closed

Qasr-e Shirin, Kermanshah Prov, June 9, IRNA - Iran has closed Khosravi international border terminal on Iran-Iraq borderline, a local security official said here Sunday. Speaking to IRNA, security and police director of Kermanshah governor’s office underlined that the decision was made following the terrorist attack on Iranian pilgrims in Iraq which claimed several lives and wounded a large number of others. Baghdad should take necessary measures in order to ensure the health and safety of Iranian pilgrims within its territories and prevent repetition of such unfortunate events in future, Shahriar Heidari said. At least 14 Iranian pilgrims were killed in a terrorist bomb attack that hit their convoy near the Iraqi city of Baquba, some 90 kilometers north of Baghdad, Friday morning. At least 45 Iranian pilgrims were also wounded in the bombing./end