ID :
Mon, 02/06/2012 - 08:42
Auther :

Iran Managed To Turn US Sanctions To Opportunity For Progress

Tehran, Feb 6, IRNA -- Iran has managed to turn US economic sanctions into an opportunity to go ahead with its economic development and progress in science and technology, a Member of Parliament said on Sunday. Chairman of Majlis Commission on National Security and Foreign Policy Aalaeddin Boroujerdi told Danish Ambassador to Iran Anders Christian Hougaard that the US economic sanctions since the victory of the Islamic Revolution have created an opportunity for the country to make advances in science and technology. Boroujerdi regretted that European governments don't have an accurate analysis of the realities in the Islamic Republic. He said that Iran welcomes enhanced cooperation with the European governments in political, economic and parliamentary fields. He said that dialog is the best means to remove misunderstanding between Iran and European governments. Boroujerdi said that unfortunately the European governments are suffering from crisis in decision making, adding that Iran is well-prepared to resolve outstanding issues with the European governments. He said that after the revolution in Egypt, the US administration is making every endeavor to change the Syrian political system to help Israel survive the Middle East uprisings, but to no avail. The Danish ambassador called for boosting of Tehran-Copenhagen cooperation on political, economic and regional issues. Hougaard, whose country currently holds the EU presidency, asked about the EU oil sanctions on Iran and Boroujerdi said that Iran will make decision on the issue in line with its national interest./end