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Sat, 04/13/2013 - 10:08
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Iran-Saudi Envoys-Dpy Hezbollah Sec-Gen Seek Crisis-solving In Lebanon

Beirut, April 13, IRNA – Lebanese daily Al-Diar in its Friday issue wrote about trilateral meeting of IRI Ambassador Ghazanfar Roknabadi, Saudi Ambassador Ali Awwad Usairi, and Deputy Sec Gen of Lebanese Hezbollah Sheikh Naim Qassem, aimed at crisis solving in Lebanon. According to our IRNA correspondent in Beirut, Al-Diar added in its Friday, April 12th edition: It was agreed in the trilateral meeting that the ambassadors of Islamic Republic of Iran and the Saudi Arabia would be respectively in charge of informing the trio of the results of negotiations among the March 8th and the March 14th groups. The Lebanese daily wrote: The Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon Ghazanfar Roknabadi in the meeting emphasized that the path must be well paved allowing the newly elected Lebanese Prime Minister Tamam Salam to establish his future Lebanese Government. Roknabadi further emphasized, ˈIran has no expectations of Lebanon, but offers its unlimited support in line with the interests of the Lebanese nation, just as we did in contributing to the liberation of the southern parts of Lebanon.ˈ He added, ˈOn the contrary of what is said at some circles, Iran is not the promoted of a Shiˈa movement in Lebanon, but supporting the entire Lebanese nation, and this has been the official and unchangeable stand of the Islamic Republic of Iran ever since its establishment over 34 years ago.ˈ The Iranian ambassador to Lebanon meanwhile reiterated that he has received guidelines from the IRI President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali-Akbar Salehi on how to advise the March 8th group of political parties aimed at paving the path for the successful conduct of the new Lebanese Government, reaching a point of national reconciliation soon, and securing Lennonˈs national interests, and above all, peace, and stability. Ambassador Roknabadi in the meeting also referred to the anti-Iranian propagations of the March 14th group, stressing once again that Iran is by no means after interfering in the internal affairs of Lebanon, but all the same, intrigues and negative propaganda against Iran do take place here, while Iranˈs support is indiscriminately for the entire world Muslims, including the entire Lebanese nation, favoring the existence of a solid Lebanese nation, united under the supportive umbrella of internal peace and stability, and therefore, I believe insulting Iran, or launching anti-Iranian propaganda here is truly unjust.ˈ The Deputy Secretary General of Lebanese Hezbollah, too, reiterated in the meeting, ˈHezbollah would do all its best to pave the path for smooth establishment and performance of Prime Minister Salam Tamamˈs Government.ˈ Sheikh Naim Qassem added, ˈWe asked Ali Awwaz Usairi to inform Prime Minister Tamam Salam that Hezbollahˈs only expectation of him is to remain faithful to the equation of people-Army-resistance, and not to focus merely over the Baabada Communiqué, because in that communiqué it is declared that it is not favoring neutrality in Arab-Israeli conflict, but neutrality in some regional crises, and we believe engagement with Isabel would continue till full materializing of the Palestinian peopleˈs absolute rights.ˈ He emphasized in the meeting that consultations with Prime Minister Salam need to continue, reiterating, ˈKeeping in mind the results of these consultations and heeding the stands adapted by the March 14th Group, we would assist Salam in the way of establishing the new Lebanese Government.ˈ The Lebanese daily wrote: It was agreed in the meeting that the ambassadors of Iran and Saudi Arabia in Lebanon would pursue the path paved by Prime Minister Salam in performance of his commissioned mission, and to solve his problems in establishing the new Lebanese Government, while Sheikh Naim Qassem, would in his turn during the course of his meetings and negotiations pave the path for the establishment of a full scale, and comprehensive government capable of holding the elections. Al-Diar added: The Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon, Ali Awwaz Usairi, too, in the meeting asked both the March 8th Group and the Lebanese Hezbollah to assist Prime Minister Salam in establishment of his government, aimed at helping Lebanon leave behind the current crisis era successfully, adding, ˈSaudi Arabia in this way, not only supports Prime Minister Salam, but also supports the entire new Lebanese Government, inclusive of ministers from March 8th, March 14th and Hezbollah.ˈ Ambassador Usairi said at the trilateral meeting, ˈSaudi Arabia doe not seek any interests in Lebanon, but is merely favoring Lebanese solidarity, stability, and restoration of peace, and in accordance with the guidelines I have received from the Saudi King, Malik Abdullah and Crown Prince Emir Salman, my country fully supports the establishment of a national reconciliation government, and would offer consultation in the way of paving the path for Prime Minister Salamˈs important mission.ˈ The increasing sectarianism in Lebanon, fed by the Syrian crisis, is provoking a major problem over which legislative law to adopt before the coming elections in June. To a certain extent, it reshuffled the cards of the political alliances. Yet, there is a shared fear among the influential external actors, on both sides of the Syrian equation, about the devastating impact of a potential institutional paralysis and state power vacuum in Lebanon. It could drastically affect their interests in light of the chaos in Syria today and the Lebanese uncertainty of tomorrow, despite some internal resistance here and there to form a new government. This is to be followed by whatever possible agreement on a consensual legislative law to avoid such dangerous paralysis open to the unknown. Once more, Lebanon is at a crossroads. Will the key opposition forces at home bite the bullet and accept to co-manage a very difficult period of wait and see regarding Syria by avoiding that kind of vacuum and the unknown it embodies, creating a minimal understanding with their external allies — an understanding to avoid a political confrontation that could turn into uncontrolled violence and more destructive tension, with unknown results at home. Or, will they forget the costly lessons of the past, but this time at a much higher price due to the significantly dangerous environment? The coming weeks will tell which road will be taken. Courtesy: for the analysis on Lebanese political crisis/end