ID :
Thu, 08/16/2012 - 09:29
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Iraq’s Progress Indebted To Partnership Of All Parties Within Frameworks Of Democracy: Jalili

Tehran, Aug 16, IRNA – Secretary of Supreme National Security Commission Saed Jalili said Iraq’s progress is tied to partnership of all the tribal and religious groups and their roles within the framework of democracy. In a meeting with Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Ruz Nuri Shaways, he referred to the effective moves taken by Baghdad to promote internal security and said that Iran-Iraq borders are borders of friendship and security and they will take steady efforts to ensure their security. Shaways, for his part, presented a report on the latest developments in Iraq and said that Iran-Iraq ties are profound and historical. He also appreciated Iran for its support for the Iraqi government and nation. The Iraqi official also called for further promotion of economic, commercial and banking cooperation./end