ID :
Tue, 10/30/2012 - 12:56
Auther :

Muslims Should Be Aware Of Cultural Invasion : Iran VP

Tehran, Oct 30, IRNA – Iran's First Vice-President Mohammad Reza Rahimi said Tuesday that nothing is more important than making the world Muslims aware of cultural invasion. Rahimi made the remarks addressing the second Meeting of the Press and News Agencies of the Union of the Islamic World. The two-day meeting started this morning on the sidelines of the 19th International Exhibition of the Press and News Agencies that kicked off on October 28 at Imam Khomeini Prayers Ground in Tehran. Today's world is a place for cultural jihad, he said, adding the meeting should help prevent violation of Muslims' rights. Referring to the West's anti-Islam propaganda, Rahimi said it has created dilemma for Muslims by sowing discord among them. He then underlined the need for further consolidation of Muslims in order to fulfill their rights./end