ID :
Wed, 01/18/2012 - 10:01
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NAM Condemns US Invasion Of Iran’s Airspace

New York, Jan 18, IRNA – Member states of Non-Aligned Movement ( NAM), in a statement, condemned violation of Iranian airspace by the US drone, stressing that the move was against international norms. During their first meeting in the new year, the NAM countries issued a statement condemning the US drone incursion into the Islamic Republic’s airspace. The 120-member NAM said in the statement that violation of Iran's airspace was against all universally accepted international norms. In the statement, NAM underlined its obligation to safeguard and maintain principles and objectives contained in the UN Charter, including principles related to sovereignty and territorial integrity of world countries as well as non–interference in other countries internal affairs. At the meeting, Iran's Ambassador to the UN Mohammad Khazaei, by referring to the Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi's letter to his Egyptian counterpart who is NAM current rotating chairman, concerning the breach of Iranian airspace by US spy drone, denounced the hostile act. The NAM statement also condemned assassination of an Iranian nuclear scientist last week./end