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Wed, 05/30/2012 - 09:12
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Pakistani Provincial Speaker Praises Iran Contributions

Islamabad, May 30, IRNA-- Speaker of Pakistan’s eastern Punjab provincial Assembly, Rana Muhammad Iqbal Khan, has said that Iran is a brotherly country with its great contribution to culture and education to all shores of the world. He said Iran has stood by Pakistan in thick and thin and provided support to Pakistan in the beginning of its existence. The Muslim Ummah should make collective efforts for the solution of their major problem such as terrorism, unemployment and poverty. He was speaking at a call on of Engineer Hussain Sadigh Abideen, Governor of Fars Province of Iran, and his delegation at Assembly Chambers, in Lahore on Tuesday. Rana Iqbal observed that Iranian revolution has changed lives of millions of Iranians and termed the revolution, a unique incident in the history of 20th century. He noted that Iranian leadership is poised to make their country an enlightened entity amongst the community of nations. He added that people of Pakistan cherished their friendship. There were centuries old historical and cultural relations between Pakistan and Iran. The people of both the countries have deep affiliation with each other. The Speaker stressed that the people of both the countries should adopt the philosophy of Allama Muhammad Iqbal. He said that the poetry of Allama Muhammad Iqbal taught them achieving freedom and independence in real sense. He said that there was vast scope of cooperation in the fields of agriculture, livestock, energy and other sectors. Both the dignitaries agreed to extend cooperation in various sectors. Rana Muhammad Iqbal Khan termed the visit of Iranian Governor as a memorable one. The Speaker informed the distinguished guest that the Punjab Assembly had done a record legislation for welfare of the masses of the Province. The Iranian Governor thanked the Pakistani nation for warm and sincere hospitality. He said both Pakistan and Iran have much respect for each other. Later on, the Speaker also showed the House of the Assembly to the delegation./end