ID :
Sat, 03/03/2012 - 09:50
Auther :

Russia Describes Trend Of Iran-IAEA Talks As Positive

Moscow, March 3, IRNA -- Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Alexander Lukashevich, said here Friday that positive changes in the trend of Iran-IAEA talks have taken place since the beginning of 2012. Lukashevich told his weekly news conference that visits of a high-ranking delegations of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) headed by IAEA deputy chief, Herman Nackaerts, to Iran two times before endorsed the positive trend of talks. He hoped that recent visits by IAEA inspectors to Iran will be fruitful. Lukashevich further noted that Russia will take all its efforts to solve Iran's nuclear case through diplomatic means. Moscow favors resumption of talks by both sides (Iran and Group 5+1) so that they will be able to solve the problems in future, he said. Russia welcomes Secretary of Supreme National Security Council Saeed Jalili’s recent message to EU Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton to resume talks without any preconditions./end