ID :
Mon, 01/30/2012 - 08:09
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Salehi: Africa Still Under Shadow Of Colonialism, Global Arrogance

Addis Ababa, Jan 30, IRNA - Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said on Sunday that global arrogance and colonialism have cast shadow over African continent despite the fact that the African states have attained independence. Salehi made the remark on the sidelines of the 18th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the African Union in Addis Ababa on Sunday. Speaking to reporters, he said colonial powers adopt various strategies to attain their sinister goals. Referring to great changes and developments taking place in North Africa as a result of Islamic awakening, Salehi said “I think developments taking place in North Africa stem from Islamic awakening which will persuade other African nations to seriously seek their dignity as well as political and economic independence.” Islamic awakening has nothing to do with Islam and it can occur in non-Islamic states, he said. African Union is regarded as a significant alliance which plays a key role in regional and international developments, said the Iranian foreign minister. Before the triumph of the Islamic revolution, Iran had diplomatic relations with just a few African countries but after the revolution Iran broadened its relations with all African states, he said. Iran attaches importance to expansion of ties and relations with African continent and is ready to put all its invaluable experiences at the disposal of African nations, Salehi said./end