ID :
Mon, 03/11/2013 - 09:44
Auther :

US Drone Strike Kills 4 In NW Pakistan

Islamabad, March 11, IRNA – At least 4 people were killed in US drone strikes in Pakistan’s north western tribal region on Sunday, tribesmen in the region said. They said that unmanned US drone fired two missiles in Datta Khel area of North Waziristan tribal region, near the Pak-Afghan border area. The unmanned plane targeted 4 people riding on a car. This was the first drone strike in the month of March. In February, there was one strike while six strikes in January killed 42 militants and injured seven in both North and South Waziristan. The CIA-controlled drone operation is unpopular in Pakistan as the government opposes the attacks and describes it as a violation of sovereignty. However, the US has ruled out any change in its policy, claiming that Islamabad is reluctant to go after the militants in Waziristan./end