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Thu, 02/07/2013 - 08:58
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US Tactics Changes Not Longstanding Strategy : American Writer

London, Feb 7, IRNA – American journalist and writer, Stephen Lendman said most of the western countries want a normal relation with Iran but US pressure prevent them from doing so. “Washington and Israel have targeted Iran for 34 years. I see little change now. Tactics may change, not longstanding strategy,” he told IRNA. He said, both countries want regional dominance. Washington wants all independent governments replaced by subservient pro-western ones. “US wants puppet leaders replacing legitimate ones. Iranˈs peaceful nuclear program is red herring cover for longstanding regime change policy.” Lendman believes “most of other western countries would prefer normalized relations with Iran, (but) Washington pressure gets them to be hostile.” “Iran is an important country in the region. Itˈs a vital oil and gas supplier. Itˈs a significant market for western products and services”, he said. “Western companies would like to sell there. Washington power politics prevents it. Itˈs been the same for Cuba since 1960. Imagine how little change occurred after over half a century.” When asked about the new round of nuclear talks between Iran and P5+1, the American expert said “multiple P5+1 talks accomplished nothing. Iran participated in good faith. Washington and Israel behind the scenes, obstructed resolving issues responsibly. I see no change ahead.” “Iran’s peaceful nuclear program isnˈt the issue. Itˈs ousting its government and replacing it with a subservient pro-western one,” he added. ˈThatˈs the key issue. Itˈs been unchanged for decades. I see no change ahead.ˈ “If Iran had no nuclear program, another pretext would be invented. Theyˈre easy to invent. Perhaps alleged weapons of mass destruction would be claimed. Nonexistent Iraqi ones became the pretext to attack and invade”, Lendman stressed. He mentioned that there aren’t any western-generated positive developments on Iran and saying “I see plenty of deception and unfair targeting. More illegal sanctions may be imposed.” Referring to unrest in Syria, he criticised western propaganda war and said “(Bashar) Assad is accused of possibly using chemical weapons. Itˈs a canard, but repetition gets people to believe Big Lies.” In response to a question on recent changes in US State Department and Pentagon, Lendman called new State Secretary, John Kerry, “a reliable imperial warrior” and said” “heˈs Israelˈs man at State.” “Kerry replacing Clinton at State (Department) makes no difference...I think Pentagon policy is mixed. I believe important officials there want no part of war on Iran. Current and former Israeli officials feel the same way. With enough pressure in both countries, it can be prevented”, he told IRNA. “For sure Russia and China made their strong positions known. Whatˈs unknown is if theyˈve drawn red lines against war to protect their interests,” he concluded./end