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Wed, 04/08/2020 - 10:48

Specialists at Russia’s MSU Use Supercomputer to Search for Treatment for COVID-19

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Employees of a technological laboratory at Moscow State University (MSU) have launched calculations on the Lomonosov supercomputer to search for a drug that can cure the coronavirus, the university’s press office said on Tuesday. According to the press release, technologies used by supercomputers can provide effective alternative solutions for issues like curing diseases. "For many diseases, proteins have been identified that are responsible for the development of pathologies ... And if we stop such a protein using a molecule that selectively binds to it in its active centre, then the development of the disease will stop", Vladimir Sulimov, the head of a laboratory in MSU, said, as quoted in a press release. Mass calculations have already been launched on the Lomonosov supercomputer, the university said, and the next step is to find appropriate molecules capable of binding with target proteins. The Lomonosov supercomputer was installed at MSU in 2009. The supercomputer has a unique system with the highest performance range. Russia currently has 7,497 coronavirus cases in 81 regions, according to the national coronavirus response centre. Of all the new cases, 697 have been registered in Moscow and 69 in St. Petersburg. Read more: