ID :
Thu, 01/21/2010 - 14:32
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Ulaanbaatar, /MONTSAME/
From foreign press

Conjoined twins in Arizona who share a heart have defied medical expectations by living past their third birthdays.
Emma and Taylor Bailey, from the San Tan Valley, near Phoenix, were born connected at the chest, sharing a liver and a seven-chambered heart. Most hearts have four chambers.
Their parents, Mandy and Tor Bailey, are now hoping they will become one of the first sets of twins sharing a heart to be successfully separated.
Emma and Taylor exceeded expectations but now have heart failure. And their parents know the girls must be surgically separated to survive in the long term.
The Baileys have been working with a team at Seattle Children's Hospital for about two years to prepare for the operation.
The family said a medical team at the Seattle hospital has successfully separated twins before and is confident it can save both girls, even though it has never separated twins with a shared heart.
The girls had two preliminary surgeries and have a few more to go before they will be ready for separation and heart transplants. The family hopes all the preliminary procedures will be done.

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Nepal is set to stage same-sex weddings on Mount Everest as part of a bid to promote the country as the homosexual tourism capital of Asia.
Nepal's homosexual community, which is led by Asia's only openly gay member of parliament, will next month host a tourism conference to explore how to attract wealthy gay visitors to boost the country's war-ravaged economy.
The country's new constitution will legalise homosexual marriage in May this year, when "Pink Mountain" will begin offering luxury honeymoon and wedding packages.
Sunil Babu Pant, a Communist legislator and leader of the country's homosexual rights movement, has launched a travel company dedicated to promoting the former Hindu kingdom to gay tourists in an effort to tap the so-called "Pink Pound" and dollar.
The company will offer elephant-back bridal processions, Everest base camp ceremonies and weddings in remote Tibetan enclaves in the Himalayan republic.
Mr Pant is hoping to build on the government's new determination to maximise income from tourism by targeting all potential markets. The country's tourism minister wrote a welcome statement for the International Conference on Gay and Lesbian Tourism in Boston last October, in which he said he believed Nepal will benefit from an increase in gay visitors.
Mr Pant has said if Nepal can attract ten per cent of the world's gay tourists, its economy would receive a significant boost.
"Most Asian countries don't welcome gay visitors, so we can have the maximum benefit for the Nepal economy which is fragile after years of war.
"The government is hoping to increase the number of tourists from 400,000 to one million next year and has taken a positive attitude to welcoming gay and lesbian visitors to help meet their ambitious target," he told The Daily Telegraph Tuesday.

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Pop icon Madonna is said to be trying for a baby with her lover, the Brazilian model Jesus Luz according to media reports.
The tabloid newspaper The Sun in Britain reports that the singer, who already has four children, has consulted doctors about conceiving another child at the age of 51.
Madonna has a 13 year old daughter named fathered by Carlos Leon, and a son Rocco, aged 9, fathered by ex-husband Guy Ritchie. She also has two adopted Malawian children, David Banda and Mercy James, both four.
A source told the paper that at 51 it's going to be harder to conceive naturally. "But she is Olympic-athlete fit and is ready for the challenge," the source said.
The singer has been with Jesus, who is 29 years younger than her, for more than two years. She met him during a photo shoot in Brazil shortly after she divorced Guy Ritchie.
"Jesus adores her kids but has always wanted a child of his own. He told Madonna that fatherhood would be his greatest adventure, and that he wanted to go on this journey with her," the source said.