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Tue, 02/02/2010 - 10:49
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LPFL invests US$ 40 million in tree plantation in southern Laos

VIENTIANE,FEB O1(KPL) The Oji Lao Plantation Forest Company Limited (LPFL) of the Oji Paper Company Limited has decided to invest US$ 40 million in developing an industrial tree plantation project in Savannakhet, Champassack, Saravane, Sekong and Attapue.
The agreement was signed yesterday in Vientiane by Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment, Mr. Thongmy Phomvisay, and President of the Oji Lao Plantation Forestry Company Limited, Mr. Genmai Shimamura. Concern officials of both sides witnessed the signing.
LPFL began investing in tree plantation in Laos in 2005, the first company to invest in tree plantation in the country. In the following year, it began tree plantation project in central part of Laos and this has been expanded into the denuded land of 25,000 ha. The plantation project also includes community development activities such as the construction of school and roads, wells.
The new plantation in five southern provinces of Laos will follow the implementation approach by LPFL by utilizing the degraded and unused lands, with the estimated total concession of 25,000 ha. The project plans to provide sufficient wood chip for the demand during the next 40 years.
The company will provide seedlings to communities in the project areas aiming to support community participation in planting and the company will secure the supply from the communities.
This particular community participation will be implemented with an estimated area of 5,000 ha. In total, the plantation area will be about 30,000 ha.In addition, the plantation project aims at improving the lives of local residents while the plantation also absorbs CO2 simultaneously.
The Oji Paper Group develops plantation projects in New Zealand, Australia, Vietnam, China, Laos aiming to stable reservation of raw materials, which will contribute to environment. The Oji Paper Group has been completed carrying out about 200,000 ha plantation.
The Oji Paper Company Limited also has paper factories in China, Vietnam and Thailand.