ID :
Wed, 02/17/2010 - 16:21
Auther :

Clinton goes on a fool’s errand

TEHRAN, Feb. 17 (MNA) -- U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton just went on a fool’s errand in the Persian Gulf region, but she apparently still has not realized it.

She was on a three-day Persian Gulf trip from Sunday to Tuesday, which included stops in Doha, Qatar and Riyadh and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to drum up support for the U.S. plan to impose sanctions on Iran.

Her main mission was to convince the Saudi king to guarantee energy supplies to China in exchange for a Chinese agreement not to veto a resolution imposing sanctions on Iran at the UN Security Council.

But China still seems reluctant to join the anti-Iran gang.

And in a shameless act of hypocrisy, Ms. Clinton said in Jeddah on Tuesday that the U.S. supports the plan to make the entire Middle East a nuclear weapons-free zone, but made no mention of Israel’s nuclear arsenal.

In order to resolve the dispute over its nuclear program, Iran has presented logical and reasonable proposals.

However, the United States and its European allies have responded with illogical and unreasonable moves.

Iran said it is ready to buy nuclear fuel enriched to 20 percent for the Tehran research reactor, which produces radioisotopes for medical treatment, but the Western countries rejected the proposal.

Iran said it is ready to simultaneously swap its low-enriched fuel for higher enriched uranium for the reactor, but the Western countries rejected this proposal, too.

So what should Iran do?

If Iran says that it is ready to exchange its nuclear fuel stock simultaneously, it is because Iran believes that if it sends its fuel abroad for further enrichment, the West will keep it and not provide the 20 percent enriched fuel.

What is wrong with a simultaneous exchange? If the Western countries are sincere, why do they not agree with a proposal that guarantees that neither side loses out?

Even after Iran announced its decision to enrich uranium to a higher degree for the Tehran research reactor, it said the door is still open for a simultaneous nuclear fuel exchange or a deal to purchase the nuclear fuel.

And Iran has not changed its position on the issue.

Meanwhile, it seems the U.S. is getting desperate and believes its chances for success in its anti-Iran plan are slipping away.

That is the reason why Washington is asking Saudi Arabia to take measures to persuade China to join the other four veto-wielding permanent members of the UN Security Council in voting for a resolution imposing sanctions on Iran.

And Britain and France have been dancing to the U.S. tune in the anti-Iran plan because they are still nostalgic about their so-called glory days during the colonial era and do not want to see the emergence of new powers that challenge their monopoly in technology, especially in the field of nuclear technology.

Apparently the United States believes that if it convinces China to vote for a UN resolution imposing sanctions on Iran, it will prevent Iran from continuing its legal nuclear activities.

But no one can stop history and the progress of nations. Just as slavery in the United States and apartheid in South Africa could not withstand the resistance of the masses, the neocolonialist countries’ efforts to maintain their monopoly on advanced technology will also give way to the tide of history.