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Thu, 03/04/2010 - 11:45
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Sang Sinsay gets on stage

VIENTIANE,MACH 03 (KPL) - The Ministry of Information and Culture held on Saturday an art performance on Sang Sinsay, the most well-known hero of Lao Lane Xang era literature.
The performance is part of the celebration of the 450th anniversary of Vientiane proclamation as the national capital of Laos which will fall in November this year.
Present at the event held at the National Culture Hall were Deputy Minister of Information and Culture Mr. Boua-ngeun Saphouvong, officials of the Ministry of Information and Culture and Vientiane residents.
Events on the day were also a lecture on Sang Sinsay poem, folksong performance and painting competition of Sang Sinsay cartoon and traditional food tasting.
All the events are to urge Lao people, mostly students and youngsters, to participate in celebrating the 450th proclaiming anniversary of Vientiane as the national capital of Laos.