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Wed, 03/10/2010 - 10:23
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State President wraps up Japan visits

VIENTIANE, MACH 09 (KPL) - State President Choummaly Sayasone and his entourage arrived back in Vientiane on 7 March, wrapping up their official visit to Japan.
The visit was at the invitation of the Japanese government on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Laos and Japan.
During his stay in Japan, the Lao President held talks with Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama which the sides have agreed to promote the bilateral economic ties, with Japan committing to expanding its official development assistance (ODA) to Laos.
Japan also pledged to grant 2.95 billion yen (over 30 million USD) to help Laos in forest preservation, efforts to combat climate change and the development of clean energy as well as other environment efforts.
The Japanese Prime Minister stressed Laos’s efforts in forest preservation, saying the grant aid will be made under the ‘’Hatoyama Initiative’’, under which Japan will provide financial and technical assistance to help developing countries combat climate change. President Choumamaly Sayasone expressed his appreciation for Japanese support, saying that Laos wants to work with Japan in improving the investment climate to create favourable conditions for private Japanese companies to invest in Laos. President Choummaly Sayasone and his delegation on 5 March also visited some socio-economic development sites in Uji city and Kyoto prefecture.