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Fri, 03/26/2010 - 12:15
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President Choummaly Sayasone receives Japan’s Prince Akishino

VIENTIANE ,MACH 25 (KPL)- Lao President Choummaly Sayasone, on March 24, received His Imperial Highness Prince Akishino, who is on a current private visit to Laos as a guest of the Lao President. The prince and his daughter Mako arrived in Vientiane on Tuesday.
At the meeting, President Choummaly Sayasone expressed warm welcome and hospitality and hoped that the visit will push the bilateral relations between the two countries and peoples to a new height.
Prince Akishino has previously visited Laos on two other occasions, in 1999 and 2001.
The prince’s visit coincides with the 55th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic ties between Laos and Japan.
President Choummaly expressed his heartfelt thanks to the government and people of Japan for all the assistance they have extended to Laos.
He said Japan was one of the biggest aid donors to Laos, significantly contributing to the socio-economic development of the country.
Through the prince, the president also thanked the emperor, royal family, government and people of Japan for the warm hospitality extended to him and his delegation during his visit to Japan on March 2-6.
President Choummaly said he was delighted to meet for talks with several top-level officials during his trip to Japan, including the Japanese emperor and the prime minister, leading to the signing of a number of cooperation agreements.
The president informed the prince that Laos enjoyed peace and security and the nation’s people were preparing to celebrate several historic events, including the 35th National Day and the 450th anniversary of Vientiane as the capital.
For his part, Prince Akishino said President Choummaly’s first visit to Japan was a historical milestone in the two nations’ bilateral relations and cooperation.
His Imperial Highness Prince expressed delight at being able to return to Laos and for the warm hospitality extended to him and his daughter.
Through President Choummaly, His Imperial Highness Prince inquired as to the health of former President Khamtay Siphandone, whom he had visited on his previous visit to Laos.
In recognition of his contribution to enhancing the relations between the two countries, the Lao government awarded His Imperial Highness Prince a Medal of Honour, which was presented to him by President Choummaly. Earlier, Prince Akishino and his daughter attended the opening ceremony of an exhibition showcasing traditional Lao agriculture methods and implements devised by Lao farmers. The exhibition runs until April 25 at the National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute near the National University of Laos. The event was organised by the institute in collaboration with Japan’s Tokyo University.
During his time in Laos, Prince Akishino will undertake a three-day visit to northern Laos to conduct research into wild chickens.