ID :
Tue, 04/06/2010 - 18:56
Auther :


Ulaanbaatar, /MONTSAME/ In accordance with Investment Agreement articles 8.2 and 8.5.1, Oyu tolgoi LLC has adopted a policy to consider only the citizens re-settled and officially registered in Khanbogd, Bayan-Ovoo, Manlai and Dalanzadgad soums that are in the direct impact zone, before 6th of October 2009, as native residents, and to be given preference with job opportunities during the Construction phase.
This policy is adopted because there are limited capacities of local governance, social services and public infrastructure to manage in-migration to those soums. Purpose of the policy is to manage in-migration tendencies to those soums during the construction phase.
In Investment Agreement (IA) article 8.2 stated that,“During the term of this Agreement, the Investor and its Affiliates and the Government will cooperate together to ensure that there is a suitably qualified OT Project Workforce available to meet the timeframe of the OT Project”.
The article 8.5.1 states that for construction work during the Construction Period and Expansion Periods, not less than 60% (sixty percent) of the entities’ employees will be citizens of Mongolia, and the article 4.11 says that the Investor is to make as a priority training, recruiting and employing citizens of local communities in the southern Gobi region, with preference to Umnugovi aimag.