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Mon, 07/07/2008 - 12:24
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Conferences focuses on messages of equality through media

(KPL) Promoting messages that foster equality and social justice in the media was the focus of a conference ending today in Venezuela which was attended by Lao representatives.

The conference is being held by the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), an
international organization of states, including Laos, which consider
themselves not formally aligned with any major power bloc.

Lao Minister of Information and Culture Mr Mounkeo Oraboun and Lao Press in Foreign Languages Director General Savankhone Razmountry were among the Lao representatives in attendance.
Venezuelan Deputy Minister for North America and Multilateral Affairs, Mr
Jorge Valero, said member countries agreed to promote peace and equality
through the media.

"In the struggle to overcome the hateful polarisation between the rich and
poor, between developed and developing countries that characterises the
world today, it is urgent to humanise the messages that are transmitted
through the media," he said.

"It is necessary to promote messages that foster equality, social justice
and human dignity. It is necessary to encourage dialogue between societies
in order to achieve understanding and solidarity within our species."
The conference began on July 2 and approved 40 articles aimed to boost
cooperation in relation to information and communications processes.

Participants also discussed current trends in global media and
communications and examined the idea of creating a NAM media news or
television network. It was the seventh NAM conference for communication and
information ministers.