ID :
Thu, 07/10/2008 - 10:13
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PM warns against stockpilling and speculation

Hanoi (VNA) - Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung called for leaders of provinces and cities to step up market watch activities aimed at stopping stockpilling of goods that could lead to further price hikes.

In an official telegramme sent on July 8, the Prime Minister rejected rumours of shortages of essential commodities such as rice, cement, steel, fertiliser, some medical drugs and petrol and gas. He said these rumours were fuelled by unscrupulous people who were hoping to profit throughunhelpful speculative activity.

The Prime Minister said the Government would do everything possible to curb inflation and to ensure social security. He ordered relevant agencies to keep an eye on market developments, particularly on essential commoditieswhose prices have a direct impact on production and the people's daily life.

"Ministers, heads of government agencies, chairpersons of city and provincial People's Committees affiliated to the central Government should take initiatives in solving difficulties and problems in production and business, to ensure a balance between supply and demand for commodities,"Dung said.

He also asked economic groups and State corporations to accelerate production in order to create more goods to supply to the market.-Enditem